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user experience designer

Matt Vollet

Case Studies

Case Studies

A look inside creating exemplary experiences

Mylio: managing memories simply within a complex ecosystem

Product Designer

When it comes to managing hundreds of thousands of photos across multiple devices all without the assistance of a cloud, things can get a bit complex. I took up simplifying the long term maintenance of a Mylio setup and helped users learn the tools at their disposal. 


Mylio: photo deduplication

Product Designer

Addressing the number one requested feature for the photo management application head-on. Photo deduplication was an extensive task that required understanding exactly what users wanted while making an easy to use and trustworthy experience.


Product Designer

A highly requested feature turned from "good" to "great" by working closely with engineers and marketing to make a cost efficient sharing experience for photos on the web. The end result was a feature that made our current users excited while inviting thousands of new users to try Mylio in a natural way.


Mylio: web sharing

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